
~ The Photography Fanatic ~

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How to get started with photography

my friend Lucy asked how to get started with photography with no experience.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWq29tikXWw check this video out on youtube!
I started out with no experience except for the photography class in school. We used these old cameras that required film and heavy-duty developing. So first decide if u want to use these big old cameras or digital cameras. You can start out with a digital camera (those are about 100-150$, my first camera was a Kodak EasyShare and it was about $100 at CVS) then move up to a digital SLR (those are about 500-1000$, i have a Canon EOS T1i Rebel - check it out online!)
Now you can have a class on the main camera techniques and abilities or how to take a picture. <--techniques such as the rule of 3rds, depth of field etc. stop by here on this blog for tutorials and different things you can do to pictures.
So a girl named Samantha sent me a picture of a snowy bush, after it got edited, it looked sooo cool with the different shades of green, blue and white. I really wanted to post it on this blog but it wouldn't let me. :(
If you want a picture of yours featured here just email me at: sunshine5621@yahoo.com
also check out http://www.thethoughtspillingblogger.blogspot.com/ my other blog! =)
c yaaaa

What would you title this picture?

So i was looking at my recent pictures from California 2011 and I came across this gorgeous picture (in my opinion of course). It was taken in the evening on top of Lumbard street (the crooketest street in the world - the place where they tried to drive a limo through but ended up having to cut it in half). It shows a huge chunk of San Francisco along with a window to someone's house, in their house u can see a quiet, serene lamp among the busy San francisco.

This sort of shows a person's place in the world.
My question to you is - what would you title it? the best answer gets to be featured in the next blog!
I thought about 'Serenity' or 'Lamp' or 'my place in the world'.
So get your creative-thinkin-cap on and comment beloww!!!!!
the winner will be announced in a few days ! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Photo Shoot with my sis!!

first photo shoot album-post-thing on this blog!!! =D
So today is Friday, my sister (Gwen) and I had an amazing photo shoot time - u won't find that very rare among us!! :)
A Friday w/no homework to stress out about + 62 degree weather + an amazing sister = one happy girl :) now that is actually realistifc and helpful math right there!
anyway...onto the pictures: (o yeah and btw if u can't see a picture very well, just click on it and it pops up much larger onto a different tab!)

"Its a long way there, but we'll make it". I <3 this picture so much because, again, of the position of the picture.

"Trapped" yup-my bro's weird thing that pops up if u throw it.

Walking in mid air. hey! where did the trampoline go????

Oh my goodness. this is the cutest thing ever. this is a ninja in a puppy disguise i tell u!
Hope u all liked my pix!! I'll post much much much more l8r.
need advice? bloglovingirl@gmail.com
peace out peeps! :* <3333

About Moi :)

hey everyone reading this!
This blog is solely for my photography - one of my favorite hobbies. So if you're a photographer (or anyone for that matter) comment about what you think of my photos!
Quick facts about me + my photography career ;) :
I'm 14
I travel a ton + take pics of everything interesting i see. plz check out www.flickr.com/olivias-cool-pictures
i love to have photoshoots with my friends and siblings.
I take pictures of random things --> such as a tulip in the snow surrounded by icicles(did i spell that right?), a pic of my sister on a rock with the sun in the background and it looks like its spiraling, then i edit the pictures with super high contrast (one of my signature photo moves) and usually cropping and increasing or decreasing the hue to make the picture look better.
along with photography i like to do: running (track), travelling, writing, blogging ;), basketball, playing flute, and volunteering (which im gonna start soon).
Things i like: chocolate, hugs, friends, boys, being lazy, sleeping, summer, my family, the internet, the rain, hot weather, fresh air, the birds singing, not having homework or tests, those deep conversations during sleepovers, the pool, water, ice cream, and the list goes on....
Things i don't like: the dentist, grades, waking up at 6:40AM to go to my double-block science class, mushrooms, asparagus, cold weather, liver, the chicken my mom makes, asparagus soup, mushroom soup :PPP bleh x 100000, and the list goes on......
there u have it. a summary of who i am. creepy stalkers - sorry i won't post anything personal or where i live or what my name is. k?
c yaaa!! wait for pics! :)) <33